‘Art is the oxygen that makes all the other subjects breathe.’

We learn … the skills and knowledge to use drawing, painting, sculpture, printing, collage and textiles to creatively design and make products.

We learn … to record our work from experience, observation and imagination.

We learn … to develop a wide range of art and design techniques in the visual elements of colour, pattern, line, texture, shape, form & space.

We learn …. how to look at our own and others’ work and decide how we think and feel about it.

We love to … use natural materials.

And … make our own colours.

We love to … use natural objects of different textures that we find outside to make our art.

And … use the world around us for great ideas.

We love … creating art outdoors. It helps us to have happy and healthy minds and bodies.

Art teaches us to … problem solve, take risks, be inventive, make decisions, be resilient and challenge ourselves.

It helps us … to work as a team, develop social skills and cooperate, express ourselves, be confident and develop our own identity.

We love to … learn about the art and design of different cultures across the world which connect us with our wider global community.

We love to …. learn about great artists, architects and designers in history to understand our place in the world. We learn that nature’s geometry gives balance and harmony to design.

Inspiration comes from … our curiosity in our amazing local environment where we feel at one, support our wellbeing and enjoy the mindfulness of art.

Nature’s principles of Harmony help us to look at and learn about ourselves and our world.

Drawing is fundamental to all the work we do. So we practise and practise and practise until we are really good.

If you look really closely you can see the wonder, pattern and beauty in nature.

We appreciate the diversity in everything around us and how it enriches our lives and allows us all to be different.

Through exciting creative projects we have explored Harmony principles of adaptation, interdependence and cycles.

We value learning … from experts in our wider community who have important skills and knowledge to pass on.

We believe in … building partnerships that help to promote our community cohesion through specialist support.

Geometry … gives us a different lens for learning. We learn about the patterns in nature of circles and spirals, and in the proportions, beauty and symmetries in living things.

Great Works bring our learning together in memorable ways. We are determined to be the best that we can be and share purposeful outcomes.

We love to … show off and celebrate what we have achieved as unique individuals and together as a whole group.
Please click to view our Art Progression of Knowledge and Skills.