Online Safety
Welcome to our Online Safety page, where you will find useful information about keeping your children safe online.
At Damers, online safety is taught discreetly during online safety days. We also ensure we teach the key features of how to stay safe online during all our computing lessons and relevant PSHE sessions. Staff are mindful of any discussions during the school day around online safety and address these as they arise.
Our Online Safety Policy and other policies relevant to online safety can be found here: Policies Related to Safeguarding.
We have created some infographics about online safety in general to help you to keep your children safe (click on the images to enlarge them).
Here are some more specific guides about different platforms that your child may be using (click on the images to enlarge them). Other guides are available on the National College website, which anyone can access for free by creating an account.
Useful Links
Reporting Online Safety Concerns
Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP)
Online Gaming
Setting parental controls on devices and apps
PEGI app – age rating information
Mobile Phones
Information about getting your child a phone from the Safer Internet website
Screen Time
Why managing screen time is important