School Uniform
Our children are very proud of their school and are encouraged to take pride in their appearance at all times. School uniform is sold in the office with the school logo on or without the school logo via most online stockists and local supermarkets.
Grey trousers or grey shorts
Grey skirt/pinafore dress
Purple checked summer dress
Pale blue Damers polo shirt*
Purple Damers school sweatshirt / cardigan*
White / grey socks or tights
Black shoes (plain and flat)
PE Kit
White t-shirt (optional strand t-shirt*)
Navy PE shorts
Navy sweatshirt / jogging pants
Other items required for school
School book bag*
Sun hat*
Water bottle for classroom*
Other items of clothing with the school logo on, such as waterproof coats, are optional and are available from the school office.
* available to order through the school office
Please clearly name all of your child’s school uniform.
Click here to order school uniform online.
For further information about the ethos of our school uniform see our Uniform Policy on our School Policies page. Click here to download a uniform order form.