Curriculum Overview


Pupils’ learning, wellbeing and development is at the heart of our school’s curriculum; it is ambitious, broad and balanced and equips pupils with the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes necessary to thrive in life after school. We meet and exceed the expectations of the National Curriculum, coherently planning and sequencing the curriculum towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills, preparing children for transition to their future schools and employment. This ensures children build key vocabulary and concepts at every stage, rooted in an understanding of our shared British and school values.  We aim for meaningful learning that results in long-term memory being enriched with knowledge across all subjects.  Through careful assessment we aim to gauge pupils’ understanding and engagement in each lesson so that our next steps are thoughtfully planned.    

Our curriculum develops aspiration, appreciation and awareness of the wider world and children’s position within it. We plan our learning to bring together different subject skills and knowledge, where appropriate, through a half-termly theme. It is underpinned, where appropriate, by nature’s principles of Harmony, and meaningful learning contexts that will have a long term impact on our pupils’ ability to achieve and their mental health and wellbeing. We develop cultural capital across the curriculum, through planned enrichment linked specifically to the curriculum that are designed to build resilience, confidence and self-esteem. In this way we empower all learners to make valuable contributions both locally and globally and to enjoy and benefit from a lifelong love of learning.