School Admissions Consultations

Wessex Multi-Academy Trust (Wessex MAT) is required to consult on its admissions arrangements for its schools if a) changes have been made to a school’s admissions arrangements or b) if a school has not consulted upon its admissions policy in the last 7 years.  As a result, the Trust is consulting upon the admissions arrangements for: Bere Regis Primary and Pre-School and Thomas Hardye School under point a and Damers First School under point b. This is for the allocation of school places for the start of the academic year in 2023 (policies attached).

The consultations are running from Monday 22nd November 2021 to Monday 3rd January 2022.  Responses, including comments or objections, must be submitted either in writing to Mrs V Smyth, Clerk to Wessex MAT, Wessex Multi-Academy Trust, Suite A, Paceycombe House, Poundbury, DT1 2ET or by email to by Monday 3rd January 2022

Upon conclusion of the consultation period, all responses will be considered carefully and a report will be presented to the Directors of Wessex MAT prior to the determination deadline on the 28th February 2022. The key dates for the consultation are set out below:

Wessex MAT consultation of Bere Regis Primary and Pre-School, Thomas Hardye School and Damers First School Admissions Arrangements begins 22nd November 2021
Consultation ends 3rd January 2022
Directors of Wessex MAT, as the Admissions Authority, determine Admission  Arrangements 28th February 2022
Directors of Wessex MAT, as the Admissions Authority, publish Admission Arrangements 15th March 2022
Deadline for Objections to Office of the School’s Adjudicator 15th May 2022

Damers First School Admission Policy 2023-24

Thomas Hardye School Admission Policy 2023-24