School Policies and Reports

Click on the links below to view our policies.  To obtain a paper copy of any policy, please contact the school office – or 01305 264924.

Policies related to safeguarding

Anti Bullying Policy 

Equality Information and Objectives

LAC Policy

Low-Level Safeguarding Concerns Policy

Online Safety Policy

Prevent Risk Assessment

Behaviour and Relationships Policy

Safeguarding Policy 

Staff Code of Conduct

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions

Visitors to School Policy

Whistleblowing Policy

All other policies

Accessibility Plan

Administering Medicines Policy

Admissions Policy 2023-24

Admissions Policy 2024-25

Admissions Policy 2025-26

Active Travel Policy

Assessment Policy – this policy is currently being reviewed for 2023/24

Attendance Policy

Charging and Remissions Policy

Complaints Policy

Curriculum Policy

Data Protection Policy (currently under review)

Extreme Weather Policy

Early Years Policy

Freedom of Information Policy

Google Workspace Policy

Handwriting Policy

General Health and Safety Policy

Home Learning Policy

Parents/Carers Acceptable Use Agreement and Children’s Acceptable Use Policy

Password Policy

Phonics and Early Reading Policy – Policy under review

RSE Policy

Remote Learning Policy

School Travel Plan

SEND Information Report

Social Media Policy

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy

Spelling Policy

Staff ICT and Electronic Devices Policy

Suspension and Exclusion Policy

Teaching and Learning Policy

Technology Acceptable Use Agreement for Staff

Uniform Policy

PE and School Sports Premium

For information about our PE and School Sport Premium Allocation 2023-24, please click here.